▉ Background introduction
If some one never done a first aid course, the chances are that a first aid kit would be of little use to you in an emergency. the majority of people haven’t the foggiest idea about first aid, Many people in the world die every year without good first aid.
▉ Customer status
Customer needs to make a talking kit and put in first aid kit in that can follow the steps and injury categories to guide people who are not well-trained for first aid to save lives.
▉ Functional requirements analysis
Intelligent First Aid is designed to help people, with little or no first aid training, provide assistance to an injured person in the crucial minutes before professional help arrives. The kit includes individually wrapped packs of supplies critical for common injuries, such as bleeding, breathing problems, or broken bones. The audio chip affixed to each injury card takes the technology a step further – just press the button and it narrates step by step instructions to manage the injury, pausing and repeating when necessary.
▉ Solution
According to customer requirements, our company provides the following solutions:
We make a talking product that Placed in first aid kit , Playback controlled by buttons, Details are as follows’
INTRODUCTION – Folder 1 Approx 8 seconds total
FIRST CHECKS – Folder 2 Approx 1 minute total
(Green Button)
ADULT CPR – Folder 3 Approx 1 minute 39 seconds total
(Dark Blue Button)
BLEEDING – Folder 4 Approx 44 seconds total
(Red Button)
CHILD CPR – Folder 5 Approx 1 minute 34 seconds total
(Dark Blue Button)
SHOCK – Folder 6 Approx 48 seconds total
(Yellow Button)BURNS – Folder 7 Approx 41 seconds total
(Orange Button)
▉ Feedback
When customers use our product and sell it to more people without first aid skills, they act very professionally in first aid, calm down a lot of people and are therefore saved lives. More people behave in emergencies. Like a professional doctor.
Previous:Audio Introduction used in car museum