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What Role does our Motion Sensor Speaker

Back to listSource:waytronic Date of issue:2020-11-14 16:41 Views:
During the panendemic, face masks, disinfectant, thermometer become shortage sources for everyone. Every company want do something to help the people in need, BYD, famous automobile manufacturer transform it’s production line to make face masks, and they also send million pcs masks to Wuhan, the most serous area of COVID.
Our company also trying to do some help in this condition, so we are working on thinking what kind of help our motion sensor speaker can do, here are the examples we doing in China:
1. In the exit and entrance of community, reminder people ware mask;
2. In the restroom, reminder people used disinfectant to wash hands;
3. In the exit and entrance of road, remind people stop and detect body temperature;
Recommend model for you:
1. MicroSound- Built in motion sensor, 3AAA batteries, no limitation for occasion, suitable for restroom;
2. PowerSound- Built in 10W speaker, loud sound, suitable for community;
3. SF-503-Sound with light, sound can be triggered by remote control or power on, sound volume up to 120d;
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